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Preferred Stock
Preferred Stocks
Independent. Insightful. Intelligent.
Independent:™ is a leading worldwide independent provider of dividend information and data for investment professionals. Our mission is to be the First In Preferres Stock Data Worldwide™ by designing and developing essential tools and systems for the investment community with the highest level of accuracy and integrity.
Financial planners, advisors and individual investors worldwide utilize™ to research dividend data in order to make wise investment decisions. With proprietary tools for our members such as the Dividend Analyzer™, Screener™, Ranking™ and others, financial investors have the power to make their own informed dividend stock investment decisions.
The world’s best value investors have long understood the power that dividends can provide. Many market analysts agree that historically, over 40% of the total stock market’s return has come from dividends. With such an amazing historical performance, it is easy to understand why dividends have become so critical when it comes to investing.
We hope you enjoy the exclusive edge provided by™!
William Bouchard
CEO and Founder
Fundamental Data provided by All information is provided without warranty of any kind.
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