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    Preferred Stock Data
    Best Preferred Stock Data on the Web! provides fundamental Preferred Stock data for all Preferred Stocks that are trading on the NYSE®, NASDAQ®, AMEX®, OTCBB®, TSX® and TSXV® stock exchanges.
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    Utilize’s market leading tools to locate high yielding Preferred Stocks that are trading on the NYSE®, NASDAQ®, AMEX®, OTCBB®, TSX® and TSXV® stock exchanges.
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    Market Watch
    "Another way to find attractive REITs is through dividend-oriented investing sites like"
    "To help find and research dividend stocks, Mr. Donaldson cites such websites as"
    "dividend investing sites like"
    American Association of Individual Investor
    Seeking Alpha
    " provides investors with a Dividend AllStar Ranking, which lists top-performing dividend-paying stocks"

    "Worthy resources for researching these hybrids include"

    "The ex-dividend calendar we use to sort upcoming ex-dividend dates is from"
    Importance of Preferred Stocks
    Preferred Stocks are part common stock and part bond. High yield Preferred stocks are issued in market sectors such as utilities, real estate investment trusts, industrials, financials, conglomerates and others. Preferred Stocks trade on major stock exchanges such as the NYSE® and NASDAQ®. Like common stocks, preferred stocks are legally a form of equity and are treated as equity on a company’s balance sheet. Owners of preferred stocks and common stocks are viewed as owners although Preferred Stock shareholders usually don’t have the voting rights that common shareholders have. provides clients the data and tools to make intelligent investment decisions when investing in Preferred Stocks. Preferred Stocks have recently gained market attention, in part due to the volatility in the common stock market, but also to the baby boomers seeking higher yielding investments. Preferred stocks have been issued since the start of modern investing. While institutional investors are very familiar with Preferred Stocks many individual investors are not. The primary reason is that individual investors never had access to the preferred stocks list, preferred stock data and tools to ex-dividend calendar search and screen to locate preferred stocks with high dividends and evaluate the best Preferred Stocks. To calculate Yield to Call please click here for the Preferred Stock Calculator
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